Reviews are coming in for Storytell’s “Earth, Love, and Roses” album, and they’re nothing short of epic!

As “Earth, Love, and Roses” blooms into the world, Storytell embarks on a journey of sonic exploration and self-discovery. With Tony DiCarlo’s soulful vocals, Pix’s virtuosic instrumentation, and Steven Dodds’ dynamic percussion, the band crafts a sonic tapestry that resonates with listeners on a profound level.
Pix, Tony DiCarlo, and Steven Dodds weave a magical aural tapestry through their artful blending of traditional and experimental instruments, which is at once innovative and nostalgic. ‘Earth, Love, and Roses’ not only shows Storytell’s diversity and complexity but also cements their role as modern-day storytellers, masterfully employing music to evoke the primitive and the divine, this album is a must-hear.

The album has a total of 10 songs on it and I must say all the songs are well structured, personally how they used the instruments is what captures me, unlike modern day music which are short lived, the songs on Earth, Love, and Roses are quite lengthy, its like the band wants you to not only listen to them, but also transport you to a different world.

And despite being well over 8 minutes long, people seem to be digging “Little Gods”:

One standout track, “Little Gods,” features a mesmerizing spoken word performance by Joel Gion from Brian Jonestown Massacre, adding an extra layer of depth to Storytell’s sonic landscape. While not a single per se, “Little Gods” captivates listeners with its poignant lyricism and hypnotic cadence, further enriching the album’s narrative. 1111cr3w


And to close the album we have, “Little Gods” and there is no denying that this is a brilliant end to a fantastic album. This one is the longest, but it is certainly intriguing. Starting with a spoken intro and funky music, we are instantly hooked. Everything about this tune is perfect…

Find out for yourself-stream “Earth, Love, and Roses” now!

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